Full Moon in Leo - February 12th, 2025

Full Moon in Fiery Leo

Themes: Creativity, Self Expression, Joy

This week’s Full Moon in Leo on Wed, Feb 12th, is asking us to ride the storm of chaos and change.

We started to hear the call of the future and the new world with the Aquarius new moon on Jan 29th, and now this full moon is continuing the call.

Like all of our moons so far this year, this full moon is working with Uranus, the great awakener, who really wants you to listen up!

Perhaps around the last new moon you made realizations about what wasn’t working in your life and didn’t do anything about it, or perhaps felt the seeds of dreams stirring within you....maybe you heard your intuition call and you didn’t follow it. If any of these are the case, Uranus is going to shake you awake and do all it can to make you pay attention and listen.

This could mean sudden shifts and changes in your life that seem out of your control or things feeling as if they are falling apart, and crumbling beneath your feet. TRUST.

Uranus is the planet of liberation, truth, freedom, awakening and the true meaning of life - It is calling on you to free yourself from any self-imposed limitations or expectations or anything that is dimming your soul’s light and your ability to shine. 

This Leo moon is bringing you the courage to live in authentic truth. To bring what only you can bring to the world in the way that only you can bring it.  There is no room for inauthenticity - now is not the time, my friend. Now is the time to SHINE.

Can you feel where you are shrinking yourself? Where are you wearing a mask to appease others? Who are you trying to serve by dimming your own light? No longer are we shrinking ourselves! Now is the time to shine our lights bright. Now is the time to be the be light we wish to see in the world.

How might expressing yourself more fully benefit you & those around you? How may you share your unique gifts with the world to make a positive impact on the collective?

Letting go will be a big part of this full moon. Leo is a fixed Fire sign, and it's almost as though this moon is asking you to throw it all into the Leo fire so that you can be alchemised and transformed; rise from the ashes as a brighter, bolder, braver version of yourself. You are the light. 

It’s time to shine my friend. It’s time to take up space in your life and take center stage in true Leo fashion. May the light of this full moon illuminate your value and worth and what you truly do deserve. It's time to let the inner fire, the inner light, lead the way.

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