Today, It's From the Heart - Stories of Beginning Again & Again...

In an instant—everything changed.
Well, maybe it wasn't in an instant, but perhaps a series of instances, of travels in far way places, times spent in unfamiliar territory, pushing myself to dream bigger, to journey a little farther, to step into who I was meant to be. It was one of these moments, as pictured above, I knew, I had a lot I wanted to offer to the world. I knew I wanted to create safe spaces, create from a heart centered place, create moments of bliss and joy for those around me.
Pictured above is me at my final “graduation”, closing ceremony of my 100hr Sound Ceremony training with my beloved mentors in Guatemala. At this time I had already been on a bit of a spiritual quest, participating in trainings left and right…200hr yoga training, 500hr Shamanic Yoga training, Facilitator Trainings, apprenticing another 200hr YTT training in Bali, Shamanic Plant Medicine Retreats in Peru, etc…I was diving into ancient teachings, discovering who I was, gathering knowledge, gathering skills,  and yet, still finding my confidence, my footing. At this very moment, I finally felt ready to share my voice, share some of these sacred teachings with my communities back home.

Upon arriving home, not even a month later, the world shut down, and the COVID pandemic hit. I fell into an extremely stagnant depression; all the certainty I had felt, suddenly ripped away. I'm sure so many of us felt this, & so many of us lost so much more.
In the months that followed, I had no idea, in that moment, that my life would change forever. Or even more shockingly, just how much it would change…

As many of us, I lost my job for a few months. I had been working part time as a yoga instructor and as a server in Old Town here in Fort Collins, CO. It all shut down with little notice, with no telling on when we would reopen, or if we would even still have jobs to return to. I was not able to get on unemployment at that time, as the site was so flooded with applicants, and I had been gone out of the country the month before, so I had no proof of recent income...I felt myself falling father and father into uncertainty.

But, through all the dark days, somehow it was the biggest shift I needed, a sort of gradual awakening. I realized it was the time to CREATE (what exactly, I wasn't sure). I knew it wouldn't happen overnight, but it was time to start taking steps toward my future. COVID taught me, as I'm sure many of us, just how much things can change in any moment and the impermanence of it all... our jobs, our livelihood, our time on this Earth. It was during this time I decided I wanted to learn a trade to further support myself and began teaching myself to Silversmith. Once that began, I was hooked.

It's interesting because all during this time, I was so focused on honing in my skills as a silversmith, that I wasn't offering any Sound Baths or meditations. Although I felt somewhat sad that I wasn't putting all that previous training to use, and my poor instruments were going unused...I knew they would come back. I knew one day, somehow, it would all flow together. (Spoiler alert - It does :))

Long story short, even if we don't always know the WHEN or the HOW, I have found that trusting gut instincts, intuition, trusting the divine timing of life, and TRUST TRUST TRUSTING that our path is all unfolding just as it meant to (even if it doesn't always look or feel like it). I have found that the miracles and magic happens in moments of true surrender. That is when we are ultimate magnets for manifestation! 

Keep your visions, keep your dreams, even if they evolve, shift, and grow, keep following them wherever they may take you. It is not always easy, but it is always worth it.

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